Friday, August 12, 2011

Pictures of the Apt

Hello! We have a new camera that I (Amanda) love playing with and it has been a while since we posted pictures of the apartment. It does look very different than when we first moved here since we have added things and filled it with our stuff. The first pictures were from when we first moved in and things looked a bit barren!
So here are some pictures of the apartment for your enjoyment!

Living room. The corner chair is "mine" and Matt generally works from the couch.

Bathroom. Toilet is in another tiny room next door. Note the teeny tiny washing machine under the sink. :-)
Kitchen. The thing above the mircowave is a water heater and has an open flame in it. We know a family whose heater is placed inside their shower so this is a pretty good place for ours!

Quick additional prayer request for everyone: we are in need of about $600 more in monthly support. Please pray that this need will be met!

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