Friday, June 26, 2009

Letters Are on Their Way!

Our first letters are now officially on their way!
I've been busy stuffing envelopes and sending them out in batches everyday this week. I have lovingly addressed them all by hand, working diligently each day after work. We're excited to finally have something to send out to people. In some ways this is the end of the first part of the whole process of going to Russia: all the applications, approvals, references and calls with IA and WP are over and now we can begin the task of raising our support.
I realized that its probably time that I wrote something here, since my name is also on this blog:-P I'll try to keep posting here as well as we find out more information about Russia.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Support Letters!

I got to see Matthew from Wednesday to Sunday and it was a lot of fun (especially since we hadn't seen each other since school got out!)! We went and saw UP and went to a Coldplay concert and hung out at Indy. Our families also met and talked about wedding stuff.
All in all a good time!

Right now Matthew and I are beginning to print and mail support letters!
Let us know if you find this and have not received one and would like to!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Picture!

As pointed out by Julie, our amazing contact in Russia, being able to see what we look like is nice!
So here is a picture for anyone who has only seen one or none of us!

So It's Been a While

As of late we have mostly been budgeting (which is weird because I have no idea how much anything costs in the "real world") and working on our support letter.
We are getting close to finalizing the thing which is great and soon we can print and mail away.

Matthew and I are going to be able to hang out starting tomorrow which is a blessing because we don't see each other very often in the summer. We have a concert on Friday and then back to work on Monday!