Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Big Day!

Tomorrow at this time we should be flying somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean on the way to Russia. It's crazy to think that after over a year and a half of planning, praying, and working towards this that we are finally ready to leave.

At 5:13 Indiana time tomorrow we are scheduled to depart from South Bend for our flight to O'Hare, then to Munich, Germany, and then finally to St. Petersburg! It's so hard to think that this is really happening. Since we've been preparing so long we've gotten so used to thinking of this day as being forever in the future, but now its really upon us.

We moved all of our stuff out of Dr. Warkentien's condo (thank you so much for letting us stay there!!!) and cleaned the place and are now at my parent's house, waiting to depart tomorrow. We are so grateful to everyone who has helped us get ready. Amanda's family was here for the day and we got to say goodbye to them. It's all very bittersweet. We're so excited about what the future has in store for us at IA, but we're also sad about the wonderful friends and family that we'll be leaving behind.

Hopefully we will have internet set up within a few days after we've landed but please be patient with us. As soon as we can, we'll post an update with some pictures of our apartment, the school, and the city.

Thank you for all of your support and prayers. This adventure is only beginning!


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