Saturday, August 7, 2010

Food Shock

Things that are the same in Russia:
marbled cheese
sour cream
tomato paste

Things that are not the same:
beef (they don't bleed it)
cream (comes in percentages of cream content)
Pasta sauce (good, but more spice)

Things that are VERY MUCH not the same:
Sausage (see below)

It was salty and oozy. I kept thinking "It's going to firm up...It just needs to cook." But it never got better so we threw it away and had our pasta without meat.

Much better than this was the dinner we had with Masha on Friday night. We met her through someone at PFO and this was the first time we actually met her face to face! We had great Italian in the city center at a place whose name translates to "Dough" (they make their noodles, etc.). When we left the resturant, the sun was setting behind the statue of Nicolas I by Saint Issac's Cathedral. Pictures will be up when I have them! We had a great time!

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